Generate strong random passwords using
Securden Password Generator
Use our password generator
to create secure passwords for each account.
What type of password to generate?
Remember a single master password. Leave the rest to Securden.
It’s practically impossible to memorize unique, complex passwords for each of your accounts. Use Securden Password Vault to securely generate and remember strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts. All you need to remember is a single master password of your password vault.
Why use a password generator?
Stolen, weak, or reused passwords are the top reasons for data breaches worldwide. Therefore, it is important to use strong unique passwords for each of your accounts. Password generators help generate passwords which are impossible to crack that include combinations of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters. The combination of characters used can be adjusted based on your requirement.
Tips for password security
- Try to make your passwords a minimum of 12 characters and spice them up with numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters.
- Do not reuse passwords
- Do not use personal information
- Never text or email your passwords Use a password manager
Learn more about password best practices for businesses
The Top 10 password policy recommendations
Suggested by Securden

Help protect your company from cyber attacks
Passwords are omnipresent in our personal and work environments. An average person has around 100 passwords to remember for various accounts. Securden Password Vault helps companies to centrally store, organize, share, and keep track of all passwords.
Securden Password Vault for Enterprises provides much more than a traditional password manager and helps companies prevent identity thefts, malware propagation, cyber attacks, and insider exploitation.