Securden Password Vault Features

Discover Privileged Accounts

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  5. Discover Privileged Accounts

As organizations grow, they keep adding IT assets,cloud services, and applications. This adds substantial privileged accounts to the network. The administrative accounts, rightly termed as the ‘keys to the IT kingdom’ provide unlimited access. Managing them, controlling their access, and monitoring their usage becomes crucial from a security perspective. When such privileged accounts keep proliferating, managing them proves to be a laborious task.

IT administrators require complete visibility and control over the accounts organization-wide to manage them effectively. Consolidating all the accounts in a secure, central repository is fundamental to gaining visibility and control.

The easiest way to consolidate all your accounts to the central repository is to do an automated discovery. Securden comes with a powerful discovery engine that discovers the privileged accounts in computers, databases,cloud services, and devices, building a comprehensive an inventory for efficient management.

Discover and bring all accounts under management

Securden discovers the IT assets and the privileged accounts present in the network. The discovery process brings everything under effective management, including long-forgotten privileged accounts, unmanaged devices, privileged accounts belonging to users who left the organization, accounts you forgot to disable after off-boarding a contractor, and so on. Securden discovers various types of devices, IT assets, and the privileged accounts present in your network. Discovery can detect accounts like:

1.Server Accounts:

  • Windows accounts (local, domain, and service accounts)
  • Linux devices and their accounts
  • Mac devices and the accounts, devices and the accounts thereof

2.Database Accounts:

  • Accounts associated with Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL databases.

3.Network Devices:

  • Accounts associated with various network devices such as switches, routers, firewalls, other network devices from various vendors such as Cisco, Juniper, HP, etc.

4.DevOps Account Secrets:

  • Automate secrets management associated with tools majorly used by developers & engineers such as Jenkins, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Git accounts etc.

5.Other Accounts:

  • Active Directory and LDAP-compliant directory services account
  • Privileged accounts used in web services such as ASP.NET config files and SharePoint; and in middleware tiers such as Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, and SAP NetWeave
  • Cloud identities on platforms including Google Cloud, Microsoft Office 365, Azure Active Directory, Amazon AWS, IBM SoftLayer, Rackspace, and

High Automation with Continuous Discovery

You can achieve high automation by continuously discovering the new IT assets and the privileged accounts in your network. Every time new IT assets and privileged accounts are added or a new database is commissioned to your network, continuous discovery enables you to keep your network infrastructure up to date and manage them proactively. Reports ensure that you have full visibility over these newly discovered accounts.

Randomize passwords upon discovery and start with a clean slate

You have the option to assign strong, unique passwords randomly to all your accounts after discovery. This ensures that you start off with a clean slate for privileged account management. It also invalidates the other copies, such as passwords stored in spreadsheets and text files, and prevents any possible unauthorized access. In addition, Securden becomes the central credential repository and it will force all users to rely on it for all privileged access. Using Privileged Accounts Discovery, you can supervise privileged accounts smoothly, keep your account inventory current, and prevent any misuse of privileged accounts.

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