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Implementation Checklist

Refer to the implementation checklist below to deploy and get started with Securden Password Vault in your production environment.

The implementation starts with choosing the backend database and involves various basic settings, including mail server and proxy server settings, integrating with directory services for user management, enforcing multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO), configuring additional features for remote connections, and session recordings. The entire process should take no longer than a week.

S.No Features Notes
Backend Database
1. Decide if you are going to use the PostgreSQL database bundled with the product or MS SQL server as the backend database. Both databases are scalable and work well. However, you need to make the choice at the time of moving to production as data migration is not supported if you wish to change later.
Mandatory Settings
2. Installation Encryption Key When you apply the registered license key, you will be prompted to move the installation encryption key to a location other than the installation folder. This is to ensure that the encrypted data and the encryption key are not kept together. Follow the instructions on the interface to complete this step.
3. Mail Server Settings Securden sends various email notifications to the admins/users and to facilitate that SMTP server details are to be configured. Navigate to Admin >> General >> Mail Server Settings in the GUI to perform this step.
4. Proxy Server Settings If your organization makes use of a proxy server to regulate internet traffic, configure the proxy server details here to facilitate Securden to connect to the internet. Navigate to Admin >> General >> Proxy Server Settings in the GUI to perform this step.

Internet connectivity is required if you want to run the report that checks breached passwords.
5. Server Connectivity Settings This setting is to specify how to connect to the Securden web interface from client machines and the name with which the client machines identify the Securden server host. Navigate to Admin >> General >> Securden Server Connectivity in the GUI to perform this step.
User Onboarding and Management
6. Integration with Directories You can integrate with Active Directory/Azure AD /LDAP and import the required users and/or groups. You can keep the user database in synchronization with the respective directories and also leverage the authentication mechanism for allowing access to users. Navigate to Users >> Add section to do this.
7. Assign Roles to Users After importing users, assign roles to them. You may make use of any of the predefined user roles or create custom roles as required. Use the ‘Edit’ icon next to the respective users to assign the role. You may create custom roles from Admin >> Customization >> Custom Roles.

In addition, decide if you want to have super administrator role. If yes, you can also decide how many super admins you would like to have. The recommended approach is to create one or two super administrators and then completely turn off further creation. This can be done from Admin >> Customization >> Configurations.
8. Delete the default Securden Administrator account By default, Securden comes with the administrator role as a locally created account. Delete that account. You may create another local account to serve emergency access scenarios such as active directory domain is down etc.
9. Enforce Two Factor Authentication For enhanced security, you can enforce a second layer of authentication for your users to access their Securden accounts. Users will have to authenticate through two successive stages. It is strongly recommended to activate Two Factor Authentication (2FA). You can do this from Admin >> Authentication >> Two Factor Authentication.
10. Explore SSO Securden integrates with various SAML-compatible federated identity management solutions such as Okta, G Suite, Microsoft ADFS, OneLogin, PingIdentity, Azure AD SSO, and others for Single Sign On. Securden serves as the SAML Service Provider (SP) and it integrates with SAML Identity Providers (IdP). If you are using any SSO solution already, you may integrate that with Securden (Admin >> Integrations >> SAML SSO).
Privileged Account Management, Remote Session Management
11. Create Password Policies Security best practices recommend usage of strong, unique passwords for every account. Password policy in Securden helps you de ne the strength, complexity requirements, periodicity for password resets and other conditions.

Wherever automation is possible, Securden password generator will automatically assign unique passwords as per the policy defined. Navigate to Admin >> Account Management >> Password Policy in the GUI to create password policies.

After creating a policy that suits your requirements, you can set that policy as the default policy for your organization from Admin >> Account Management >> Password Policy >> Set As Default Policy section in the GUI.
12. Create Account Types Account types help identify and classify the accounts being added in Securden. Proper classification comes in handy to carry out various operations such as sharing, reporting etc. Super Administrators, Administrators, and Account Managers have the privilege to add custom types, edit and delete existing ones. When creating your own account types, you can define the elds needed for that type, decide if certain elds should be marked as ‘mandatory’, if any field to hold default values and so on. Navigate to Admin >> Account Management >> Account Types to create new account types and to manage existing ones.
13. Decide about allowing Personal accounts management Securden allows classifying the accounts into ‘work’ and ‘personal’ categories. Work accounts belong to the organization and can be shared with others. ‘Personal’ accounts are purely personal to the user who is adding them and can’t be shared with others. Even super administrators can’t view them. If you don’t want to allow managing personal passwords, you can disable this from Admin >> Customization >> Configurations.
14. Import Account from CSV, XLSX, or KeePass If you have your passwords in CSV or XLSX les, you may import them to Securden. Navigate to Accounts >> Add >> Import from File to perform this.
15. Manual Addition of Accounts On an ongoing basis, you can add accounts manually too. You can make use of this provision to add website accounts and others that are not discoverable. Navigate to Accounts >> Add >> Add Accounts Manually in the GUI to perform this step.
16. Add SSH Keys In addition to storing passwords, you can also store and manage SSH keys. The provision to manage SSH keys helps you store the keys securely, track their usage, and associate them with required Unix devices for authentication and remote access.
17. Create Folders You can organize the accounts in Securden by grouping them as folders for easy and efficient management. At any point in time, a specific account could remain a member of one folder only. That means the same account cannot become a member of multiple folders.

You can recreate your organization’s hierarchy in the form of folders and multiple levels of subfolders.
18. Share Accounts and Folders If you want to allot certain specific accounts or folders to specific users or groups, you can use the sharing mechanism available at the accounts level and at the folder level.

Explore the granular sharing options, including the ‘Open Connection’ option that allows you to share accounts without showing passwords in plain-text.
19. Remote Connection Options Securden allows users to launch RDP, SSH, SQL and other connections and supports launching web-based connections and using native applications.

If you want to launch remote connections to multiple computers and IT assets, you may add the required IT resources from Admin >> Remote Connections and Session Recordings >> Assets for Remote Connections.

After adding the IT assets, you need to pick specific assets for associating them with specific users/user groups and accounts/folders in Securden. This can be done from Admin >> Remote Connections and Session Recordings >> Domain Account - Assets Association.
20. Custom Application Launcher In addition to the default modes of launching web-based connections and through native clients, you can define custom application launchers to supply credentials and automatically launch any application, including thick application clients. Basically, you will be creating a pro le for each such application capturing the input elds as found in the target application. The pro le will have placeholders to replace the required values from Securden repository at the time of launching the connections (Admin >> Remote Sessions and Recordings >> Custom Application Launcher).
21. Configure Just-in-time Access Workflow for Sensitive Accounts You can establish an additional layer of security for sensitive accounts by enforcing your users to go through approval work ows. This also serves as a just-in-time access provisioning mechanism.

Whenever the passwords of such accounts are to be accessed, users will have to raise a request and select administrators or account managers, who are designated as ‘Approvers’ will grant time-limited access.

At the end of the usage period, the password will be automatically reset. This feature comes with adequate provisions to handle various scenarios such as obtaining permission in advance, granting automated approvals.
22. Explore APIs for managing non-human identities/ application identities Securden provides APIs for application-to-application and application-to-database communication. APIs can be used to connect to Securden and fetch the required data automatically. Navigate to Admin >> General >> Authentication Token for API Access to start using the APIs.
23. Configure Notifications Securden can send email notifications upon the occurrence of certain events such as password retrieval, deletion, change in share permissions, and others. You can choose the events for which you want to receive notifications. The notifications can be triggered real-time or as one consolidated email once a day. Navigate to Admin >> Notifications >> Event Notifications section to configure notifications. You may configure notifications at the folder level too.
24. Granularly Customize Product Features You can customize the features of Securden in a granular manner. You can switch on and switch off certain features anytime as desired. Navigate to Admin >> Customization >> Configurations section to exercise the customization options.
25. Integrations Securden integrates with SIEM solutions and ticketing systems. Navigate to Admin >> Integrations to explore integrations.
26. Configure Emergency Access You can enable a designated list of users to access all passwords (work accounts) stored in Securden, breaking the usual access controls. This is to meet password access needs during certain emergencies. In this interface, you can designate the users who should get the emergency access privilege. You can de ne the maximum time duration until which the user should have emergency access. As an additional control, you can de ne a mandatory waiting period (in minutes) until the person should wait before gaining emergency access. All administrators will be notified when someone wants to gain emergency access.

Navigate to Admin >> Emergency Access to configure this
27. Rebrand Product Logo You can replace Securden logo with your company logo from Admin >> Customization >> Logo, Theme, Text.
28. Granularly Customize Product Features You can restrict access to the Securden interface to users only from specific IP addresses. Explore various security settings from Admin >> Security.
29. Configure High Availability To ensure uninterrupted access to accounts and passwords, Securden comes with high availability architecture. This is achieved by deploying another application server, which would serve as the secondary server. In the event of the primary server going down, users can connect to the secondary server. Navigate to Admin >> High Availability in the GUI to configure High Availability.

Note: You can configure any number of additional application servers and deploy them in different locations. If you are using MS SQL server as the backend database, you can make use of SQL clusters.
30. Replace Self-signed Certificate By default, Securden comes bundled with a self-signed certificate. You can add your own CA-signed certificate by following the steps below. Basically, Securden requires the certificate and the private key. Instructions to do this are available in the Quick Start guide.
31. Configure Database Backup To ensure access to your data and passwords even in the unlikely scenario of something going wrong with the current installation, Securden offers disaster recovery provisions. You can take backup of the entire database periodically. In the event of a disaster, you can recover data from the backup.

Securden allows you to specify the "Backup Destination". You may give the network path of a remote machine, where the backup copy will be stored. The periodicity could be as low as one hour and you may decide to maintain x number of past backup copies. Navigate to Admin >> High Availability >> Database Backup in the GUI to perform this.
32. Passwords Backup as Encrypted HTML file Super Administrators can create a scheduled task for taking a backup of all work accounts in the form of an encrypted HTML file. When configuring the schedule, a passphrase has to be provided, which will be used as the encryption key. Whenever the backup copy is to be viewed, passphrase has to be supplied. Without the passphrase, the backup copy cannot be opened. The encrypted HTML file can be stored in a secure, remote location. Navigate to Admin >> High Availability >> Passwords Backup to perform this.
33. Monitor Product Upgrades Securden releases minor and major upgrades periodically. You can monitor new releases from Admin >> Product Upgrades section and carry out upgrades from there.

Note: You may refer to the Securden Password Vault Guide to know about the product configurations, troubleshooting steps, and other features to start working on the solution.