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This document explores the different use cases Securden Endpoint Privilege Manager addresses. The privilege elevation mechanism along with the steps required to test the functionality are explained in detail.

What are the different use cases that the Securden Endpoint Privilege Manager helps address?

Securden EPM helps address various privilege management requirements an organization could face in their day-to-day operations. Securden EPM helps the workforce function without having local administrator rights through provisions that grant the minimum level of privileges required for each user to complete their tasks seamlessly.

The different use cases that are addressed are listed below:

Case 1 : Users regularly run a set of applications with admin rights to fulfill their responsibilities.

Case 2 : Users who need to run new apps with admin rights that are not covered under policies.

Case 3 : Users who need to elevate multiple applications within a short span of time.

Case 4 : Controlling application usage by users in the organization through allowlists and blocklists.

Case 5 : Granting temporary application access to users when allowlist/blocklist is enforced


1) Before testing privilege elevation using Securden EPM Cloud Edition, ensure that the Securden Privilege Management agent is installed on an endpoint.


If the endpoint is an AD domain computer, then you need to deploy a lightweight remote connector. Refer to the EPM SaaS quick start guide.

2) Ensure that there is internet connectivity at the endpoint.

3) Ensure that the user account on the endpoint is a standard user account without admin rights. You can remove the admin rights by navigating to Privileges >> Remove Admin Rights on the EPM web-interface.

4) In the web-interface, navigate to the application tab and ensure that the required applications (for testing purposes) are available in the repository.


A comprehensive list of applications is added to the repository by default and can be used for privilege management and application control. Apart from these applications, once the agent is deployed, the applications that are run with admin rights will be automatically added to the repository.

a) If the required application is unavailable, then add the application manually. You need to specify the attribute using which Securden identifies the application during privilege management.

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