How Securden Co-ordinates Time in On-prem Products?

Securden products are installed on a server and the web interface is accessible from endpoints through a web-browser or a desktop application. All components of Securden communicate with the central server intermittently.

The time on the device Securden is installed is used for coordinating scheduled tasks, handling just-in-time access to privileged accounts, time-stamping audit events, handling privilege elevation requests, etc.

Note: If the server on which Securden is installed is a domain joined device, then the device would synchronize with one of the domain controllers by default. In such cases, the time used by Securden would be coincidentally same as the time on the domain controller.

The local time on the server on which Securden is installed is the only time parameter used for all time dependent tasks and processes regardless of the server being a domain joined or a standalone device.

Frequently asked questions?

  1. Does Securden make use of Network Time Protocol for coordinating time dependent tasks and processes?
    No, Securden doesn’t make use of Network Time Protocol (NTP) for coordinating time for any tasks or processes. Securden makes use of the local time of the device on which the product is installed to coordinate all time dependent tasks and processes.

  2. Does the local time on the endpoint have any impact on time-limited privilege elevation?
    The local time of the endpoint on which the privilege is elevated does not have any bearing on the time or duration of the elevated access granted by the Securden agent. The agent synchronizes with the central Securden server and the time on the server is used for granting and revoking elevated access.

  3. How is Just-in-Time access handled in devices residing in different time-zones?
    When Just-in-Time access is granted to users, the time attributes specified when approving the requests refer to the time on the central Securden server. The time of the endpoints on which the user makes use of the just-in-time access is irrelevant.

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