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Radius Authentication

RADIUS Authentication can be integrated with Securden PAM as a 2FA method.

To configure RADIUS authentication,

  1. Navigate to Admin >> Authentication >> Two-Factor Authentication.
  2. Click the configure option on RADIUS Authentication.
  3. In the RADIUS Server Settings page that opens up, you need to enter the following details:

    a. Identifier - Name of the RADIUS-compliant system
    b. Servername - Hostname or IP Address
    c. Server Secret
    d. Authentication Retries
    e. Authentication Protocol (options are PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, MSCHAPv2)
    f. Authentication Port
    g. User login format (to be sent to the RADIUS server): you can
    choose the format from the provided options or create your own format
    h. Authentication timeout (in seconds)
  4. Once you have provided the required information, you can click Save.

  5. You can also test the setup before saving it by clicking on the Test RADIUS Authentication button.

Configuring Two Step Verification

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