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Configure Mail Server Settings

Securden sends various email notifications to users/admins. This includes the email notification that enables new users to set up access to the PAM interface. Other email notifications include activity alerts, reports, and more.

To facilitate these emails, SMTP server details are to be configured. Navigate to Admin>> General >> Mail Server Settings in the GUI to perform this step.

admin mail server settings

In the GUI that opens, you need to enter the SMTP server details.

mail server settings

Enter the following details:

SMTP server name: Enter the hostname or IP address of the machine that runs the SMTP server.

Connection Mode: Select the mode in which the SMTP accepts connections. Select TLS or SSL for encrypted connections. The option None indicates the default SMTP connection mode (not recommended).

SMTP Port: Specify the port in which the SMTP service listens. The default port for TLS is 587 and SSL is 465.

Sender email address for notifications: The email address you enter here will be displayed as the ‘sender’ when Securden triggers email notifications to users.

Supply Credentials: If your SMTP server requires authentication to access it, you need to supply the credentials.


If you have added accounts in PAM and wish to utilize one of the added accounts to authenticate the SMTP server, you may click on Specify an account already stored in Securden and select a corresponding account.

mail server authentication

You need to select the Account Type, its Address, and Title in Securden.

After providing the required details and authentication credentials, click Save.

You can also test and validate the configuration setting by sending a test email.

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