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Vendor Privileged Access Management

Securden Unified PAM enables you to provide secure, agentless, zero-trust access to internal IT resources for external vendors without the need for a VPN. This is achieved via creating a portal for your organization on Securden cloud, which will be the access point for your vendors. This portal acts as a gateway and simply routes access requests to Securden PAM.

This approach is entirely zero-trust, and you need not open any inbound ports. The vendors will only get access to the portal on Securden Cloud. There will be no direct connection between the vendors and the in-house IT resources. The Vendor Access Portal on Securden Cloud by itself does not store any data.

Enabling vendor access involves the following steps:

  1. Create your vendor access portal on Securden cloud

  2. Onboard vendors / vendor groups

After completing these steps, you will be able to grant just-in-time access to the required resources through Securden Unified PAM with complete controls and monitoring.

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