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Just-In-Time Workflow

You can enforce a request-release workflow while granting access to the vendors. This offers an additional layer of security for sensitive accounts. Once the JIT workflow is enabled, vendors will have to raise a request to gain access to the resource (for which the workflow is enabled). The request goes to the administrators/to their managers, who will review and grant time-limited permissions. You can enforce this by navigating to the JIT Workflow tab present on the right side of the ‘Accounts’ tab.

Just-in-time workflow for vendors

  1. Instead of granting permanent access to privileged accounts, you can mandate users to submit requests for just-in-time access.

  2. Requests can go through multiple levels of approval, with multiple approvers at each level (up to three levels).

  3. Passwords are released only after approval, and they can be automatically changed at the end of the access period.

  4. To enforce this policy for vendors, check the ‘Apply to Vendors’ box.

  5. Designate specific Securden administrators who can approve password requests from vendors.

  6. Add multiple approvers at each approval level if needed.

  7. Create an exclusion list to restrict specific approvers from approving requests made by vendors.

  8. Configure automatic approval for certain vendors, bypassing manual approval.

  9. Specify the start and end time for auto-approved access requests.

  10. Once all configurations are complete, click ‘Save’ to enforce the settings.

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